The Israel of God

Quick Reads #5 – How the Trinity happened

I once overheard a conversation that went like this….   “The reason we have a trinity is God’s fault..!’ “Why?” someone asked. “Because if He had come himself we wouldn’t be having this debate..!”   As you can see it was getting a little tense and arguments about religion will sometimes do that. I imagine it was much the same at Nicaea in 325AD, when many learned men and bishops convened the Council, which...

Quick Reads #4 – One or Three?

Moses said: The LORD our God is one LORD. (Deuteronomy 6:4)   David said: Salvation belongs unto the LORD. (Psalms 3:8)   The LORD said to Isaiah: Is there a God besides me? I know not any. (Isaiah 44:8)   The LORD said to Isaiah: I am the LORD and besides me there is no saviour. (Isaiah 43:11)   Zechariah said: There shall be one LORD and His name One. (Zechariah 14:9)   Isaiah...

Quick Reads #3 – The Second Coming

To say that we have been through a difficult few years is putting it mildly. And if commentators are to be believed, it will become a whole lot worse. The reasons are many and varied. No matter your standpoint it’s pretty clear the world is at a moment of truth.   It makes no difference who is responsible or to whom you may wish to apportion blame. But, the fact that people are taking...

Quick Reads #2 – Israel, Israel, and Israel

. Ancient Israel   The first is Ancient Israel, which began in the mid 16th Century BC. The Kingdom was established under Saul in the 11th Century, and they were removed from their homeland by the Assyrians starting in 721BC; it took 19 years to remove them all. All that remained were the few descendants of Judah and Benjamin returned from Babylon (the Jews) who lived with many other cultures in Palestine at the...

Quick Reads #1 – Who is Jesus

While this can be a big subject it can also be quick and easy. So, in the first of the ‘Quick Reads’ we will look at some key Scripture to discover who JESUS is. The first is from the one who announced Him, the Prophet Isaiah. His first obvious citing is in chapter seven when he met with King Ahaz. So, the LORD himself shall give you a sign. Behold, the virgin will conceive...

Quick Reads #1 – Who is Jesus

While this can be a big subject it can also be quick and easy. So, in the first of the ‘Quick Reads’ we will look at some key Scripture to discover who JESUS is. The first is from the one who announced Him, the Prophet Isaiah. His first obvious citing is in chapter seven when he met with King Ahaz. So, the LORD himself shall give you a sign. Behold, the virgin will conceive...

LORD or Lord?

I often wondered if the early redactors of the Bible were correct in their rendering of Acts 2:36 when referring to Jesus as ‘Lord and Christ.’ My basis for thinking this way is due mainly to Isaiah, but there are many reasons found in the Prophets, Gospels and letters to support the use of the upper case “LORD” when referring to Jesus. So, let’s have a look at some Scripture. Click to read the...

LORD or Lord?

I often wondered if the early redactors of the Bible were correct in their rendering of Acts 2:36 when referring to Jesus as ‘Lord and Christ.’ My basis for thinking this way is due mainly to Isaiah, but there are many reasons found in the Prophets, Gospels and letters to support the use of the upper case “LORD” when referring to Jesus. So, let’s have a look at some Scripture. Click to read the...

The Use and Abuse of God’s Word – P1

Part One: Preface   One of my younger brethren had a fairly difficult time coming to grips with the Scriptures; an often testing journey towards the truth of Christ and the Word of God; he now has a good understanding of what spiritual and personal tribulation actually means. The LORD put this young brother through the fires of hell to teach and correct, out of which has come a hardened steel and refined faith,...

The Use and Abuse of God’s Word – P2

Part Two: Historical    The abuse of God’s Word comes in many forms; directly tampering with it, altering context, using it in vulgarity or arrogance; but when it comes to total disregard Ancient Israel was top of the class. There are countless examples of the LORD warning Israel of what would befall them if they stayed on that path. When the LORD’S patience finally ran out they were banished from the land, taken into...

The Use and Abuse of God’s Word – P3

Part Three: the Way, Truth and Life   As the Church of Rome and daughter churches of the Reformation have obviously touched God’s Word through errant doctrine, where do we find dependable teaching and the truth of Christ Jesus in all this confusion? With so many claiming the truth, with all manner of theological answers on offer, the task can appear daunting. Yet, Paul cuts through the rhetoric in six simple words.   One...

Quick Read #30: The Liberty of Christ

And there was delivered to Him the Book of the Prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written: the Spirit of the LORD is upon me because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he has sent me to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set them at liberty them...

Quick Read #29: The Ubiquitous Christ

We are inherently linear beings; and while our actions progress from one to the next like words on a page, we think and visualize differently. It is not sequential like walking or reading, rather an internal subliminal conversation we have every waking moment. Within this background chatter we also reason and analyse; when a subject comes to the fore it becomes an aware process removed from the noise where deliberation and decision takes place....

Quick Read #28: Distractions…

And this I speak for your own profit, not that I may cast a snare on you, but for that which is right, and that you may attend on the Lord without distraction. (1 Cor 7:35)   While Paul was addressing the unmarried and widowed at the time, we have another issue where this Scripture could be equally applied in light of a world gone more than a little mad; odd agendas, conflicts and...

Quick Read #27: Love hung bleeding…

That the Creator of all things seen and unseen (John 1:1-3) would come to us in physical form, walk among us, teach us His ways and build a discipleship to carry His message through the ages is beyond understanding. That He would go as far to purchase the curse of sin with His blood goes further than we can possibly know. What then drove Him to give His life, to suffer and die in...

Quick Read #26: Not of God…

After the Great Command: the LORD our God is one Lord: (Mark 12:29) the next in importance is we love one another. They should be uppermost in our mind and engraved upon our heart. But sadly in today’s world, we see little acceptance of these instructions from God.   A Military industrial complex (MIC) is sustained by the idea of an existential threat. The only way to acknowledge such threats is to have an...

Quick Read #25: How did they know..?

It’s odd how often we fail to see what’s right in front of us. How many times have we turned the house upside down looking for the car keys to find them in our pocket? Or used a saying not knowing where it came from like ‘a little bird told me’ which is not Mr. Shakespeare, it’s from King Solomon. But, this is not why we’re looking at this topic; it’s about the truly...

Quick Read #24: Of Smoke and Mirrors…

But know this, that in the last days grievous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, railers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, implacable, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, no lovers of good, traitors, headstrong, puffed up, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God: (2Tim 3:1-5)   If there is one thing from the Bible that describes the world we live in, this is it. We are...

Quick Read #23: By Their Fruits

Along with the numerous statements of great, indeed fundamental theological importance, the Holy Bible also contains a truism of great value:   By their fruits you shall you know them. (Matt 7:20)   Given during the Great Sermon, it is a standard we can use to discern, decode or measure beliefs and opinions to determine their worth, intent and morality. It is a concise and practical tool given by Jesus, which anyone can use...

Quick Read #22: Unequally Yoked

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion has light with darkness? (2Cor 6:14)   When I looked again at how the churches use this Scripture, it is mainly applied to marriage; most noticeable in the Catholic Church, which forbade marriage between Catholics and Protestants unless there was a conversion to the Catholic faith. And while they are more relaxed today, so-called mixed marriages...

Quick Read #21: Is this our Pentecost moment..?

Has the State of Israel become a stumbling stone for Christians? It’s not hard to imagine that recent events will have many wondering if modern Israel is the intention of God; are the Jews meant to be there at all. Was it correct and accurate prophesies, which brought it about or is the Zionist State the creation of men? If the latter, what are the ramifications for the Christian Church?   In asking such...

Quick Read # 20: What do Rabbis say about Zionism

The plan for a Jewish homeland was not Jewish, but Christian; an idea, which came with considerable appeal for those pushing for a more open and secular Jewry though with much in-house opposition. Rabbis held sacrosanct the Jews were in exile by God, only to be united through divine intervention. Until then, they remain cast into the nations due to their sin; any thought of dominion or statehood deemed an abomination in God’s eyes....

Quick Read #19: Israel and Christianity

Early in the morning of the 7th October 2023, Hamas launched numerous rockets aimed at the State of Israel, many managed to evade their defences causing damage and loss of life. More have followed with similar results. Needless to say Israel responded; not immediately and not in kind, but with a mindset to wipe everyone in Gaza from the face of the earth. So it came as no surprise to learn Christian churches around...

Quick Read #18: The Devils Finest Trick

… Then the Devil comes and takes the Word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved. (Luke 8:12)   It was Charles Baudelaire who wrote the devil’s finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist, and when we look at the state of the world today it’s clear he’s done a pretty good job. Since the Industrial Revolution we live in a world of science, evolution and...

Quick Read #17: The Alleged Christian Church

Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter. (Isaiah 5:20)   On June 12, 2023, at the conclusion of the annual gathering of Germany’s Lutheran pastors, the words were uttered: “God is Queer.” The assembled church leaders responded with enthusiasm, though not mirrored by others in attendance. The backlash was swift, direct and vigorous,...

Quick Read #16: Influences

In general, Western culture is American culture. It slipped into western consciousness and practise its roots firmly planted in the Second World War. It came by way of movies and television, literature and music; progressed with clothing, food, and beverage brands, American franchises now govern the market, and American sayings are now commonly heard around the world.   We see similar in the Americanisation of Christianity; turning the Gospel into a profit centre. The...

Quick Reads #15: Rainbows

And God said this is a token of the covenant which I make between me and you, and every living creature with you for everlasting generations: I set my rainbow in the cloud. And it shall be a token of a covenant between me and the earth. (Genesis 9:12-13)   So, June is rainbow month. I saw a wonderful rainbow recently, which sat in the sky for several hours its intensity of colour a...

Quick Reads #14: Persecutions today

The most recent list from Open Doors International (ODI) shows the persecution of Christians continues to rise, most notable in non-Christian countries. The country cited as the current worst offender is Nigeria, slightly ahead of Afghanistan and India. Iran is also mentioned but not Israel, where harassment of local Christian communities by more militant zealots is growing.   Of course none of this is new; Christians have been persecuted for their faith since the...

Quick Reads #13: Woman of the New Testament

There are several women who spring to mind when we think of the New Testament; the mother of Jesus, her cousin Elizabeth, the sisters Mary and Martha and Mary Magdalene. Mary, the mother of Mark was the sister of Barnabas. And there were others not so fondly disposed; Herodias and her daughter named Salome by Josephus, who sought the head of John the Baptist in order to kill his testimony; and another possessed of...

Quick Reads #12 – Peter’s keys

And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Matt 16:19)   It can be said with certainty; Pentecost was a defining moment for Christianity. Not only did we see the coming of the Holy Spirit and the emergence of First Fruits, we were also given...

Quick Reads #11 – Works or the Blood

In 1971, English composer, Gavin Bryars was given a tape of a destitute homeless man singing the same words over and over, his recollection of the chorus to a hymn he once knew. He was recorded along with others living rough in parts of London. Bryars found the length of the recording fitted neatly into 13 bars, and he made a repeating loop lasting several minutes.   The door to his studio opened onto...

Quick Reads #10 – The Lord’s Prayer

But you, when you pray, enter into your room. And shutting the door, pray to your Father in secret; and your Father who sees in secret shall reward you openly. But when you pray, do not babble vain words … for your Father knows what you have need of before you ask. (Matthew 6:6-8)   These are some of the things Jesus told His disciples when He taught us how to pray. The prayer...

Quick Reads #9 – Marks and Signs

There is a lot of talk of digital currencies, ID cards, facial recognition and smart technology looking to record our every move. While we are right to be concerned by these things, they are not the Mark of the Beast as some imagine, and cannot diminish the Salvation of JESUS in us. Yet they will likely have us examine our faith. So to better understand the Mark of the Beast, it is helpful to...

Quick Reads #8 – Where have the Christians gone?

Like a lot of things today Christians appear in short supply; Church turnout at its lowest ebb since attendance records began. Since the 1950s those professing Christianity has dropped by almost half in much of the western world. In Europe at an all time low, albeit 90% of people surveyed in the last five years, claim to have been baptised. Survey results for all mainstream churches show disaffection and a steady fall since the...

Quick Reads #7 – What is it about Russia

More to the point, what’s up with American Evangelism and their skewed opinion on Russia, the East and the Jewish State? Evangelicals have a strange mindset Moscow is the Biblical enemy of Israel and the West, which is of course nonsense. Along with other spurious items their ‘evidence’ is selected Bible verses used to lobby the Administration and with some success when it comes to Israel. Still, where would we be without imaginary foes...

Quick Reads #6 – lord, Lord and LORD     

In the Bible we find this word written three different ways: lord (lower case); Lord (capital L) and LORD in upper case. They are in these forms to make a distinction as to meaning and/or intent. For example, lower case lord is often used as an adjective, as in to lord it over someone, in other words to express human power or authority. Lord is descriptive of a person or position; Lord of the...