Quick Read #31: Jesus not welcome …

I saw something the other day, which reminded me of an incident in March 2023, when two ultra- orthodox members of the Zionist Government proposed a law banning the name of Jesus in Israel. In order to clamp down on ‘other religions’ their bill included imprisonment for anyone preaching Christ. Due to an outburst from mainly Evangelicals, the bill was quashed for the time being. The irony is the Zionist State is essentially secular, and almost fifty percent of Jews are non-religious.


It’s not the first time anti-Christian sentiment has raised its head there, but due to Israel’s fixation with the West Bank and Gaza making the headlines, much of it goes unreported. Yet harassment of the religious seems integral to Zionism; most communities feeling its affect one way or other, settlers and ultra-orthodox factions also play their part. The desire to create an elite expansive Jewish State has apparently eroded any trace of decency as their current actions bear witness.


The Government’s claim of Christian communities in the Middle East, there is none safer than Israel is seriously flawed. Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and the Gulf States all have Christian communities with less persecution. Bethlehem for example was largely Christian, which now account for less than ten percent of residents, reflected across much of the Jewish State. That Evangelical Christians view Israel as religiously significant, while ignoring the facts on the ground, is quite frankly one of life’s great mysteries.


Another concern is the suggestion by ardent zealots that the genocide in Gaza and current military action to expand Israel’s borders is God’s will. These are dangerous men advocating dangerous ideas; fortunately not all Jews feel the same. Many are objecting to this sort of fundamentalism and current government policies. The global response in support of Palestinians, which Zionists are desperately trying to shut down, shows how a growing number of people now regard Israel, Zionism, and their hazardous agendas.


Recently I came across two letters published on a popular Telegram channel, which touched on the Jews of the first century and the killing of Jesus. One in particular caught my attention, an attempt to distance Jews from the crucifixion. It was well argued with points well made regarding Roman involvement, as Judea at the time was under Roman authority, in particular Pontius Pilate. But for the writer to suggest the Pharisees betrayed Jesus is incorrect, it was Judas Iscariot; although they did petition Rome for His execution and virtually started to riot to press their case.


Now two crucial points the writer failed to mention: (1) Pilate washed his hands of the whole affair saying: ‘You see to it’ (MKJV); ‘You are responsible’ (BBE); ‘Attend to that yourselves’ (ISV); I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it. (Matt 27:24 KJV)


And (2) in response to Pilate the Jews did in fact admit their guilt; ‘let his blood be on us and our children.’ (Matt 27:25)


The Jews may not have physically nailed Jesus to the cross but were responsible for His execution, consistent with the record of the times. It was also foretold in Scripture who His assailants would be; the House of Judah. And one shall say to him, what are these wounds in thy hands? Then he shall answer: those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends. (Zechariah 13:6)


So, it seems little has changed. Jesus was put to death for fulfilling the Prophets, and His Apostles and disciples victimized and killed. And down the ages the Faith of Jesus is persecuted though not unforeseen: all these things they will do to you for my name’s sake, because they do not know Him who sent me. (John 15:21)


And the light in the darkness did shine, and the darkness comprehended it not… (1John 1:5)


In love and peace as always,




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