Quick Read #29: The Ubiquitous Christ

We are inherently linear beings; and while our actions progress from one to the next like words on a page, we think and visualize differently. It is not sequential like walking or reading, rather an internal subliminal conversation we have every waking moment. Within this background chatter we also reason and analyse; when a subject comes to the fore it becomes an aware process removed from the noise where deliberation and decision takes place. Yet, we all live under the same limitations of time, space and chronological order.


Comprehending something, or someone outside this construct, is another matter entirely. And even though we have coined a term to express an understanding of it; visualizing omnipresence is easier said than done. The thought of an entity existing on several planes simultaneously is a concept not everyone can easily grasp; it is something we certainly cannot do. But as the Apostle John reminds us, God is a Spirit (John 4:24) not limited by dimension or form.


Such was the setting with the Baptism of Jesus: three manifestations in concert yet each different in appearance: the washed Lamb of God rising out of the water, His Spirit visible upon Him, and His voice heard from above. And while omnipresence has gained less attention than omnipotence, omniscience or being eternal; it is a fundamental quality of the Existing One in His dispensations of Father, Son and Spirit, for in Him, dwells all the fullness of the Godhead. (Colossians 2:9)


Peter, James and John, were witness to another eye-opener when they saw Jesus physically changed: and His face did shine as the sun, and His raiment was white as the light. (Matthew 17:2) Not only did they see Jesus transfigured before their eyes, but Moses and Elijah talking with Him: and again the voice from Heaven, heard by all, which caused them more than a little unease; they fell on their face and were sore afraid. (Matthew 17:6)


But these events without equal are not only in the New Testament. As His Angel, (Strong’s G3450: of me, mine, I: the Angel of the LORD: see Rev 22:16) Jesus instructed Hagar to return to Sarai (Genesis 16:9); called Abraham twice out of heaven (Genesis 22); appeared to Moses as a flame of fire (Exodus 3:2); dealt with Balaam (Numbers 22); visited Israel (Judges) and blessed Gideon. (Judges 6:12) Jesus dined with Manoah (Judges 13) and told his wife she would bear a son (Samson); He appeared to Elijah (2Kings); cut short the Assyrian incursion at the walls of Jerusalem (2Kings 19:35) and counselled Joshua (Zechariah 3:6) to mention a few.


Not only did He perform these wonders, He also protected Israel. Yet thou in thy manifold mercies forsook them not in the wilderness: the pillar of the cloud departed not from them by day, to lead them in the way; neither the pillar of fire by night, to shew them light, and the way wherein they should go. Thou gave also ‘thy good spirit’ to instruct them: (Nehemiah 9:19-20)


As Paul tells us: they drank of that same spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ. (1Colossians 10:4)


Now, while Peter makes the important call we first make our election sure, and Paul succinctly lays out the tenets of faith he also states that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8) in which we see the fullness of God. This is again made clear by the Apostle John in his Gospel and letters, and in witness accounts from Luke and others concerning numerous intercessions by the LORD’S Angel in the New Testament, amplifying the ubiquitous nature of the incarnate Godhead.


The commanding evidence from Jesus in His conversation with Philip (John 14:9) and declarations, I and Father one are (John 10:30: original text); and Before Abraham was, I AM (John 8:58: should be in CAPS) make known the great truth, certitude and essence of the Existing One: LORD (see Isaiah 9:6) and Christ.


His Blood is greater than your sin and He is calling you now to freedom…


In love and peace as always,




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