Quick Read #28: Distractions…

And this I speak for your own profit, not that I may cast a snare on you, but for that which is right, and that you may attend on the Lord without distraction. (1 Cor 7:35)


While Paul was addressing the unmarried and widowed at the time, we have another issue where this Scripture could be equally applied in light of a world gone more than a little mad; odd agendas, conflicts and wars, mass migration and the launch of AI upon an unsuspecting public to name a few. Many of these intrigues are disturbing to say the least, and the future looks rather bleak.


So, it’s no surprise we can get caught up in these issues when they are hitting us from every quarter. Life seems to get faster each day, leaving little time to spend on the important things that keep us grounded. And one of those important things most often put aside pertains to matters of God and the Spirit, when one’s life in balance is the thing that keeps us whole and rested.


So, where and how do we find true rest? We find it in Jesus Christ: learn of me, for I am meek and lowly of heart, and you shall find rest in your souls. (Matthew 11:29) It is due to the fact we have little or no spiritual rest, we are often troubled. And truth be told, many of our distractions are self-imposed to divert us from our lack of preparation for the Day of the LORD. For various reasons, it is something we don’t want to accept or attend to.


Yet around the world, certainly here, many have been called by the LORD to preach the Gospel to the hungry for truth and solace. There seems to be a renewed sense of urgency in these brethren to warn the people of what is to come. And when we look to what Jesus said on the setting of this age, it is pretty clear those days are upon us. John, Peter and Paul especially, spoke of these conditions and of the behaviour of people towards one another; an age of moral darkness, self-importance, and backs turned to the Ever-Living God. And if any time points to such a period, it is now.


My fellow servants in Christ have come out of the denominations at the LORD’s calling, now led by the Spirit of Jesus through His Holy Word. And having kept His call to come out of that system, we now see the LORD and His Christ: that the Father and Son are one and the same as the Apostle John gave evidence. And we know, the Word of God is a continuous revelation from beginning to end: a living breathing witness, which testifies Jesus is the LORD God Almighty: the risen Christ who took our debt to the grave that we may have eternal life. It is His Commands we keep (Mark 12:29-31) and His Faith we follow. (Revelation 14:12) 


When writing of Jesus, Paul stated: thy throne O God is forever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. (Hebrews 1:8)


John said; all things were made by Him (John 1:3) and the Apostle Peter wrote: you have an incorruptible inheritance reserved in Heaven for you. (1Peter 1:4) Accordingly, the LORD Jesus Christ has made an eternal provision, paying for our entrance with His Blood of Redemption for the Remission of sins.


It is time to make a decision, but it comes with a warning. And for eternity’s sake you would be wise to believe it, because it was made by Jesus, the author of truth, who cannot lie, so now is the time to take this to heart…


He that believes and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believes not shall be damned. (Mark 16:16)


In love, peace and hope for you always,




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