The Use and Abuse of God’s Word – P1

Part One: Preface


One of my younger brethren had a fairly difficult time coming to grips with the Scriptures; an often testing journey towards the truth of Christ and the Word of God; he now has a good understanding of what spiritual and personal tribulation actually means. The LORD put this young brother through the fires of hell to teach and correct, out of which has come a hardened steel and refined faith, yet he admits he has some way to go. And when we reflect honestly upon our own journey through God’s Word, so do we all. The LORD loves him dearly, the perfecting continues, and a word will come.


While most Christians read the Bible sincerely to learn and grow in faith, there are some, perhaps not well enough schooled to fully understand Scripture, who find it hard going and often distracted. But there are others, who in their delusion use God’s Word to openly promote religious and worldly themes, and in this group especially we find the Denominational Church.


A phrase to explain the arbitrary exploiting of Scripture is touching God’s Word. It is absolutely not to be touched, corrupted, distorted, or changed in any way to suit one’s thinking, or sway others at the expense of its literal and prophetic truths. It does not need interpreting, as Scripture interprets itself. As an easy example, Isaiah 7:14 uses the term ‘Immanuel’ to show Jesus when announcing the virgin birth. In Matthew 1:23, we find it means ‘God with us’ but I wonder how many actually understand or accept this truth.


Now, the Testimony of Jesus (Revelation 19:10) is the Spirit of Prophesy.


Jesus sent His Angel to testify He is the root and offspring (the Father and son) of David’s line. (Rev 22:16) It was Paul who declared, Jesus Christ is unchanged throughout time; (Hebrews 13:8) and again in Revelation 19, we see Jesus called Faithful and True and the Word of God. So we are talking about the author of Holy Writ, the inspiration of its writers, the LORD Jesus Christ. So, every time we touch His Word we ram the thorny crown upon His head once more.


The first time we see God’s Word challenged is in the Garden of Eden, when described as a serpent, Satan tempted Eve. It was extremely subtle as he questioned God’s instructions regarding the penalty for touching the tree of good and evil, casting doubt in Eve’s mind. Adam and Eve were charmed by his ruse, and sin and death entered the world through unbelief. Satan planted the seeds of uncertainty, which have come down the generations and reside in us still.


It is therefore vital for our eternal well-being that we know and understand the Scriptures are to be used for spiritual growth, to gain understanding, and to learn about God. They were given so we may discern the light from the darkness and its place in our lives. They were also given so we can come to an understanding of Christ; who and what He is and what He has done. To this end, they hold teaching and rules, especially the two Great Commands in the Gospels of Mark and Matthew, given to help order and make sense of our life, thinking and faith.


It is also important to understand that the Holy Bible is primarily concerned with spiritual matters; as Paul told the Church at Corinth, flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. (1Co 15:50)


Jesus informed the Woman at Jacob’s well; the LORD seeks those who will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. (John 4:23) The Word of God is not to be touched, abused, or changed in any way, which we will look into in part two, when foolish men made themselves Gods…


To Philip, my lovely brother in Christ, whose enthusiasm for the Word of God, and love for his fellow man knows no bounds…


In peace and love as always,




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